Pemanfaatan Sistem ”Batik-on¬-demand” sebagai Inovasi dalam Industri Batik Indonesia
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Nadia Arfan

Ringkasan Kegiatan

The Indonesian batik industry is one of the creative industries that can kicked off the Indonesian economy. Cirebon as one of the batik centers in Indonesia, has a considerable number of batik craftsmen. This happens because the batik industry is one of their main livelihoods in the Trusmi area of Cirebon. Trusmi village offers batik shopping experience for domestic and foreign tourists. However, usually the number of fabrics with the same pattern are limited. This can be problems for some consumers who want to buy large quantity of batik cloths which are usually used to make uniforms. Based on that problem, we see an opportunity to facilitate consumers who need customization in ordering batik cloth. In today's world of technology, technological developments in the field of web and image processing make it possible to create a way to preview product prototypes before the production process is carried out. This opens up the opportunity to create a system that can minimize the time of product customization process without having to search for craftsmen directly. Our team will use this technology as an innovation in developing prototypes of on-demand batik website. Based on the description above, the method that needs to be done to make a prototype of this on-demand batik website are: 1. Doing observation to Trusmi Village and meet Batik craftsmen that willing to cooperate 2. Analyzing the condition of customers and craftsmen 3. Preparing a business model to get the right value proposition. This e-commerce helps both consumers to get new experience to buy batik cloths and Batik craftsmen in terms of wider access to market. By creating a website, it can expand the market not only domestically, but also internationally. The alpha version of the website has been done, then the next stage is upgrading the website to beta and making website interface.


Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

Usually the number of fabrics with the same pattern are limited in Trusmi village.