Pemanfaatan Electronic Marketplace di Indonesia untuk Meningkatkan Jangkauan Pasar UKM di Kota Cimahi
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)


Ringkasan Kegiatan

Brings together buyer and seller in one place, the e-marketplace providing many options to the buyer as well as provide access to a seller to prospective buyers. Marketplace which is actually made of the software will increase the scale of business with minimal investment, and provide profit margins in line with market growth. E-marketplace will be associated with the reengineering of business processes, linking information systems, acquiring new knowledge through training and learning and involves investments of software and new technologies (Bakos, 1991, 297; Archer and Gebauer 2000). UKM which is one of the biggest supporting the Indonesian economy, needs a touch of technology in order to increase the scale of its business. Approximately 7000 UKM in Cimahi, determined and selected of e-marketplace in accordance with the conditions of UKM in Cimahi city will have a direct impact on economic growth of Cimahi city. UKM Enterprises which is the economic backbone of Cimahi city that only has the potential of human resources should be optimized. The category of micro-enterprises is diverse with four categories of clusters. The first is food or culinary, textiles, handicrafts third and final animation and information technology. Utilization of e-marketplace to assist UKM in improving access to a wider market, need to be 4 stages: 1. Identification and collection of data in the form of characters UKM in Cimahi in conducting from the preparation of raw materials, production processes, to product to the hands of consumers. 2. Identify the model of e-marketplace that is consistent with the character of UKM in Cimahi. 3. Design of the model and prototype e-marketplace for UKM. 4. Testing the benefits of a prototype e-marketplace.


Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan, Perintisan kelompok usaha dan pengembangan UKM

Testimoni Masyarakat

UKM which is one of the biggest supporting the Indonesian economy, needs a touch of technology in order to increase the scale of its business. UKM Enterprises which is the economic backbone of Cimahi city that only has the potential of human resources should be optimized.