Patung Mitos Paksinagaliman Gerabah Sitiwinangun sebagai   Inspirasi Pengembangan Produk Kreatif untuk Penguatan Pariwisata Cirebon
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Hendhy Nansha

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Sitiwinangun Village is the largest pottery craft center in Cirebon District, located in Jamblang Sub-District. Based on population data from 1990 to 2000, there were 157 pottery business units in Sitiwinangun Village. Whereas 50 units of used rubber or used tires (Sitiwinangun Cirebon Pottery Exhibition Catalog 2001). Based on these data it can be concluded that the business of making pottery is the main source of livelihood of its population. Now the number of pottery craftsmen in Sitiwinangun is shrinking very significantly. Based on data from the village government of Sitiwinangun in 2018, currently there are only around 73 pottery craftmen in Sitiwinangun, mostly elders. This condition is of course very alarming, due to the Sitiwinangun pottery handicraft is an eminent product and cultural asset of the Cirebon District, if it developed will be able to get a lot of labor and can improve the economy of its people.The P3MI 2020 program is a response of ITB to the problems that occur at the Sitiwinangun pottery center and aims to realize Community Service activities in the craft sector in the ITB campus environment, especially in the multi-campus ITB Cirebon. By integrating learning activities, especially Ceramics Workshop and Ceramic Sculptural courses, this activity will provide benefits directly to craftsmen at the center and students on campus so that partnerships with the business world, government institutions and the local community will be fostered.


Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah

Testimoni Masyarakat

As a new tourist village, Sitiwinangun currently still has a main problem related to tourism supporting factors, specificaly the supporting facilities that can attract tourists are not available.