Optimasi Bentuk Pesawat Glider GL-1 Berbasis CFD
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Ema Amalia

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Glider GL-1 (Gajah Layang – 1) is a first national glider that has been designed by ITB Team in cooperation with FASI (Indonesia Aerosport Federation). Recently the design process of GL-1 has reached design detail phase and it is needed an improvement of aerodynamics efficiency or glide ratio so that its flight performance will be better and broaden the market of glider GL-1. This research is answering the need of improving efficiency by using optimization tools that available in ANSYS Fluent Adjoint Solver based on CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) that having an advantage of shortening optimization time. Based on previous study, the improvement of the glider glide ratio is carried out by doing optimization of the shape of wing of glider GL-1 because the wing’s contribution to drag is the biggest. Firstly, a CFD simulation has been done to get baseline optimization data, and this data is used as the base of simulation by using adjoint solver. Then, adjoint calculation is done until we get sensitivity data. Because of the limitation on mesh that can be used in adjoint solver is only coarse one, objective function that can be used to be optimized is only lift. After we get sensitivity data for improving lift, then mesh morphing technology is utilized to modify mesh so that we can get the shape change of the GL-1 wing. It can be concluded that the use of adjoint method in optimizing the shape of glider GL-1 has been succeeded for optimizing the wing of GL-1 with the objective function of lift coefficient (CL).


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Needed an improvement of aerodynamics efficiency or glide ratio so that its flight performance will be better and broaden the market of glider GL-1.