Mathematical Analysis and Geometry- Day (MaG-D)
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Iwan Pranoto

Ringkasan Kegiatan

This paper examines the results in the MaGD 2019 and analyzes the multiple-choice type of problems used there. In particular, we investigate their difficulty and discriminant indexes. Starting with this quantitative analysis, we quickly identify the poor performing problems. After that, we analyze the poor problems qualitatively and mathematically. In other words, we examine the poor problems from their mathematics content. We search for probable mathematical causes of each poor problem. Based on this quantitative and qualitative analysis, we conclude that the overall problem set used in this competition is fine. However, the number of poor and marginal problems (40%) is extremely high. This number must be deflated to zero for the next competition. In addition, the implementation of this quantitative-qualitative analysis in this exposition shows a possible effective and efficient way to improve the multiple-choice items. This kind of analysis should improve the quality of the problems in the next competitions. Not only that, this competition is not only for the the sake of competition itself. The insight of the results is informative for the policy makers. In particular, we may obtain some important information of the national undergraduate mathematics education situation and formulate some mathematics education recommendations.


Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

Annually, at least until 2019, the Analysis and Geometry research group at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, organizes mathematics competitions on the undergraduate level. In 2019, 196 students from 29 universities participated in this annual event, popularly known as MaGD. One of the aims of this annual event is to promote mathematics among math and non-math undergraduate students.