Kegiatan Pameran Internasional 16Th Nature Created By Design Dengan Tema Morphing Nature: An Artistic Approach In Speculating The Future Of Livable Urban Space
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Yuki Agriardi Koswara

Ringkasan Kegiatan

We live in the Anthropocene era, an era where our actions as humans significantly impact Earth's ecosystem. We experience today from what we did in the past, and what we do today will leave a mark affecting the future. We face the most major impact on this era that we influenced the most as humans: climate change. We burn fossil fuels, clearing the rainforests and excessively farming livestock beyond our needs. We are adding a massive amount of greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere, which leads to global warming and many other disasters. As a human, we will always need space to live. By 2050, the human population will grow 47% from 6.1 billion in 2000 to 8.9 billion. The urban area is where humans will mostly live and be populated, with predictions to gain 2.6 billion, passing from 3.6 billion in 2011 to 6.3 billion in 2050 (United Nations). This population growth and the concentrated living area in urban space will impact our Earth and our life quality if we do not plan and act wisely. As we have seen the impact of climate change today, we are now more concerned about how our livelihood will not further impact our planet Earth. We are thinking about smart cities, sustainable living, green buildings and many more. Hoping the future will be better for our children and us. This project aims to provoke the idea of the future of liveable urban space. Where we artistically approach the speculative future of our living space while considering nature as its core. We are coming to the many aspects of our area, where we humans can live and grow in harmony with nature, leaving less impact on the planet Earth itself. We explore new ways of thinking and approaching issues from various perspectives, such as transforming shape and forms, structures, energy, colour, behaviour, system, and many other elements. This 16th Nature Created by Design activity aims to provoke new ideas for livable living spaces in the future by using the speculative thinking method to generate ideas from the participants.*Nature Created by Design is an annual international exhibition activity that was first held in 2006 by the Seoul Institute of the Arts, South Korea. This exhibition activity specifically raised environmental issues as the event's central theme, with a vision to share thoughts, philosophical values ​​, and cultural exchanges about the environment. In addition to exhibitions, this event continues to grow with other activities such as workshops, presentations, and joint classes between universities across countries.


Karya Seni/Arsitektur, Kegiatan

Testimoni Masyarakat

Kegiatan pameran ini secara spesifik mengangkat isu lingkungan hidup sebagai tema utama acaranya, dengan visi untuk berbagi pemikiran, nilai filosofis dan pertukaran budaya tentang lingkungan hidup. Selain pameran, acara ini terus berkembang dan diisi oleh kegiatan lain seperti lokakarya, presentasi dan kelas bersama antar perguruan tinggi lintas negara. Keikutsertaan pada acara ini bersifat undangan dari sebuah liga yang terdiri dari perguruan tinggi internasional dimana satu negara hanya bisa diwakili oleh satu perguruan tinggi. Melalui Program Studi Desain Interior, FSRD ITB diundang dan bergabung aktif sejak tahun 2018. Kegiatan ini memnbntu menjalin kerjasama dan merupakan bagian dari program FSRD untuk mendukukung ITB sebagai World Class University.