Kajian Transformasi Digital Industry 4.0 di Berbagai Industri Indonesia
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Yul Yunazwin

Ringkasan Kegiatan

In the national industrial sector needs a lot of improvement, especially in the aspect of mastery of technology which is the key determinant of competitiveness in the era of Industry 4.0. To achieve this goal, there must be a collaborative step that needs to involve several stakeholders, ranging from government institutions, associations and industry players, to the elements of academia. So that this encourages us to conduct studies and discussions with the industrial sector about how digital transformation of Industry 4.0 in various industries in Indonesia and to what extent industries in Indonesia adopt Industry 4.0 technology. The methodology used in this study are literature study on the development of industry 4.0 in the process industry sector in Indonesia and Site visits for observation and to see first hand the development of technology in the process industry sector. Study of the digital transformation of Industry 4.0 in the industrial sector this time was conducted at PT. Badak NGL and PT. Pupul Kaltim are both located in Bontang, East Kalimantan. From the results of the visit and discussion of the two companies, it can be seen that the development of the process industry in Indonesia towards the digital transformation of Industry 4.0 has begun to be carried out, particularly in the field of natural gas liquidation processes and the petrochemical industry. Several sectors in the two industries described earlier have implemented digital and internet transformations in improving system efficiency, connectivity, and reliability. In response to this, the Instrumentation & Control Expertise Group can play a role in the form of research collaborations to help companies developing Industry 4.0 such as helping develop Cyber-Physical Systems or add the existing Industry 4.0 technology with Artificial Intelligent (AI) technology and Machine Learning for preventive maintenance.


Penerapan Karya Tulis, Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan

Testimoni Masyarakat

In the national industrial sector needs a lot of improvement, especially in the aspect of mastery of technology which is the key determinant of competitiveness in the era of Industry 4.0.