Agus Mochamad Ramdhan
Bandung is one of the major cities that are owned by Indonesia. An increasing number of people are always followed by the development of green land into settlements. This can be seen with the rapid development in the suburbs. Land that was once green, consisting of rice paddies, fields and forests, now have been turned into buildings, public facilities and housing. Changing in land use must be balanced with good environmental studies to see how far the influence of development on the environment. Study of the effect of land use changes on the environment in the northern part of Bandung is a very interesting object because the area is regarded as the recharge area. At this area Cikapundung upstrea has a role as a medium or limit environmental impact hydrogeological conditions. In addition, the watershed area of Cikapundung upstream has special characteristics which is geological conditions formed by volcanic material from ancient mountain in West Java. This area is considered by most researchers as a recharge area of Bandung city, so if there are some changes over the land, the water availability will decrease. To determine how much influence the development on water availability in this region, we need a hydrogeological study in northern Bandung especially Tahura-Dago. The purpose of this study is to observe groundwater condition naturally, the amount of river flow upstream Cikapundung, annual changes in land use, the influence of climate, ground water flow patterns, and relationships change of land use on water availability in Dago and the surrounding area Some data can be presented as the results of hydrogeological parameter observation are : 1. Map of the Geological and Hydrogeological local area of Bandung, Northern part Tahura-Dago (modification) 2. Map of Springs-Wells location and Groundwater conditions then being compared to previous studies. 3. Chemical analysis and age-water content of the springs as groundwater data. 4. Determination of watersheds and river flow upstream Cikapundung 5. Percentage of land used changes and Baseflow (soil Mouisture) 6. Analysis of land used changing effect on water availability in the Dago area and its surroundings due to the construction on green land.
Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan
An increasing number of people are always followed by the development of green land into settlements. Changing in land use must be balanced with good environmental studies to see how far the influence of development on the environment. To determine how much influence the development on water availability in this region, we need a hydrogeological study in northern Bandung especially Tahura-Dago.