Kajian pemahaman masyarakat mengenai UU LLAJ No 22 tahun 2009
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Aine Kusumawati

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Traffic violation is caused by road users' ignorance of traffic rules. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study on public understanding of traffic rules, i.e. Law No. 22 Year 2009. A questionnaire was distributed to more than 500 respondents of various backgrounds. Obedience to LTOR policy was assessed using video survey on one approach of four signalized intersections in Bandung city, i.e. intersection Jl. Gardujati – Jl. Sudirman, intersection Jl. Pahlawan – Jl. P.H.H. Mustofa, intersection Jl. Martadinata – Jl. Anggrek, and intersection Jl. Martadinata – Jl. Aceh. The percentage score of correct answers by the respondents was used as an indicator to assess the level of public understanding of the Law No. 22 Year 2009. The score was then related to several respondents' attributes to obtain factors influencing the level of public understanding of Law No. 22 Year 2009. In general, the public's understanding of traffic rules is still low, especially those related to road users' priority, road signs and markings, the priority of movement at intersections, and parking (1-9%). There is a relationship between people's understanding of the LTOR rule and their behavior. The low understanding about its rules resulted in high violations in the current action. The variables that significantly affect people's understanding of traffic rules are the level of education, driving license ownership, and gender, where the higher the level of education, the better understanding of traffic rules.


Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

The number of fatalities due to traffic crashes worldwide reached 1.35 million in 2016 (WHO, 2018). In Indonesia, death due to traffic crashes is ranked as the eighth cause of premature death (IHME, 2017). Traffic crashes are mostly caused by driver behavior. The main crash contributory factor in Bandung City is the driver being careless when overtaking and speeding (BRSAR, 2018) and related to traffic violations. Driver behavior on the road is very much dependent on the driver's understanding of the traffic rules. If drivers do not understand the traffic rules, they will be more likely to violate these rules. Road traffic and transportation in Indonesia are regulated in Law No. 22 Year 2009. This research aims to analyze the public understanding of the Traffic Law No. 22 Year 2009; to analyze the relationship between the community's background to the traffic knowledge stipulated in Law No. 22 Year 2009, and to compare the behavior of Left Turn On Red (LTOR) at signalized intersections with their understanding of LTOR rule. This research is expected to benefit stakeholders by providing a basis for taking measures needed to improve public understanding of the traffic law that may reduce the number of traffic violations and traffic crashes.