Implementasi Sistem Monitoring Emisi Gas Buang Kendaraan Bermotor Real-Time di Kota Bandung
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Brian Yuliarto

Ringkasan Kegiatan

The growth of urban pollution and the inevitable industrialization levels, will lead to greater energy needs, in general, will result in the disposal of waste / more contaminants. Burning fossil fuels for household activities, for power plants, motor vehicles, industrial processes and disposal of solid waste by burning is a major source of waste contaminants in urban areas. Sources of air pollutants are the most dominant in Bandung smoke coming from motor vehicles, industry, burning of garbage and domestic activities. Observation, monitoring and load estimates in Bandung emissions should be observed properly so as to provide input to the city government in running rehabilitation programs environmental quality of air and control of pollution sources. In addition, in order to raise awareness and active role to reduce the sources of pollution population. Thus, this activity, namely the Implementation of Integrated Emission Monitoring System in Bandung is a very important activity to do.


Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna

Testimoni Masyarakat

The growth of urban pollution and the inevitable