Implementasi Aplikasi Digital Kultur dalam Pertunjukan Musik Folklor pada Festival Danau Sentarum 2020 di Kalimantan Barat
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Dicky Rezady Munaf

Ringkasan Kegiatan

This PPM raised the theme "Implementation of Digital Kultur Application in Folklor Music Performance at the Sentarum Lake Festival 2020 in West Kalimantan". This program is a follow-up to the innovations that have been carried out since 2018 and has received a copyright from the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights Ministry of Law and Human Rights with the number 000117776. This community service program is actually an implementation of the principles of technoKultur in the context of community empowerment, which is a Kultur system that was built as a result of the use of technology to improve the quality of people's lives. By using this application, festival participants are managed online, starting from the registration process, auditions, judgment, up to the result before the final offline festival.The main point of using this application is the effectiveness and efficiency of the operational time of the festival. The music and cultural performances can be held throughout Indonesia, and people will have much greater opportunities to participate in various music and cultural festivals by using this application because it can be accessed and applied everywhere in all regions of Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke, and from Mianggas to Rote Island.


Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah

Testimoni Masyarakat

The fourth industrial revolution, known as the industrial era 4.0, which is taking place today, has had a profound influence on every aspect of life. Changes in the economic and industrial systems in this era have an indirect impact on changes in the education system, employment, and even society itself. This can be seen from the increasing number of physical and digital technologies that are combined through analytics, artificial intelligence, cognitive technology, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to create interrelated "digital companies" that are capable of producing speed and accuracy in transactions, so they can communicate , analyze and use data to drive smart actions in the physical world. In short, this revolution instills intelligent and connected technology not only in companies, but also in everyday life. The advancement of information and communication technology has also influenced various fields of industry, including creative industries. Of the sub-sectors of the creative, music and performing arts (including Kultur) sub-sectors are the sub-sectors that were significantly affected. The development and transformation of music and the performing arts as cultural products occur along with technological developments. Content digitalization and internet technology advances greatly affect the production of performances in the form of music concerts and cultural festivals. The digitization process can be interpreted as a transformation of musical and cultural performances that are reconstructed using digital technology devices. That is, the production of the show will go through several different stages of the process and packaging. Therefore, this time the PPM team from KK Ilmu Kemanusiaan FSRD-ITB raised the theme "Implementation of Digital Kultur Application in Folklor Music Performance at the Sentarum Lake Festival 2020 in West Kalimantan"