Gramatika Visual: Studi Keberlanjutan Metode Perancangan Rupa Dasar 2D
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Triyadi Guntur Wiratmo

Ringkasan Kegiatan

The problems that are the focus of the 2D Visual Grammar concept development activities are there is no work or research on 2D Basic Form (basic level) and lack of evaluation and anticipation processes in developing basic 2D language. Applied methodology in this research are; (a) Observation Data, observing student behavior in treating the design of other people’s work as well as how their creative processes are utilizing interactive digital technology, (b) Literature data, a literature search of creative process models or creativity development models that have been simulated to find suitable methods of creativity development by utilizing IT tools, (c) Interview is the process of searching for information on sources From the result of both preliminary workshop and courses, this research summarizes four important methods of learning method for 2D visual literacy study as below: 1. The importance of technical human resource 2. The importance of teleconference meeting plan 3. The importance of communication tools


Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

There is no work or research on 2D Basic Form (basic level) and lack of evaluation and anticipation processes in developing basic 2D language.