Evaluasi dan perbaikan pengelolaan instalasi pengolahan limbah cair domestik komunal di daerah dara ulin Kabupaten Bandung
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Herto Dwi Ariesyady

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Dara Ulin is a residential area that is located in one of the oxbow in the upper Citarum River. After the normalization project of the river to prevent flooding, the water bodies in the oxbow was separated from the main river, leading to the water quality degradation. Currently this water bodies are used by a variety of community activities, in which people use these water bodies for drinking water, disposing of domestic wastewater and fish farming. People in this area has had piping facilities for collecting the domestic wastewater. A public awareness of the importance of managing wastewater to prevent disease and pollution of water bodies was also been conducted. The society of Dara Ulin Village has built facilities Communal Septic Tank for treating wastewater that flowed through those piping system and served about 200 families. Furthermore, in 2013, a Water Treatment Plant supported by Puslitbangkim Ministry of Public Works was constructed. This Water Treatment Plant uses water from Oxbow as a source of raw water for drinking water. Results of research conducted in 2006 showed that the construction and operation of the Septic Tank was not optimal, as indicated by the high content of coliform bacteria in the water wells in the area population. A survey conducted in January 2015 also showed that the effluent from the WWTP was not fulfilled the water criteria in terms of color and turbidity. This current program was conducted in order to evaluate the construction of the WWTP and make design improvements for the WWTP, as well as the improvement of the construction according to the results of previous evaluation studies. Several activities will be carried out in several stages. Up to this moment, there are several results has been obtained, including: • Identification of domestic wastewater management issues in Daraulin, by interviewing the community and collecting samples of wastewater and their analysis. • Evaluation of existing domestic wastewater treatment systems, which includes determining the treatment capacity of existing facilities, the assessment of the physical condition of the building, building fittings, existing treatment performance, stability of microbial degradation, and the fulfillment of water quality standards. • Analysis of the socio-economic conditions of villagers in Dara Ulin Village to understand the readiness of the society to accept eco-technology applied. • Selection of alternative eco-technology as a modification of domestic wastewater treatment systems. • Preparation of training modules and providing training on the operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment facilities.


Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Penerapan Karya Tulis, Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan

Testimoni Masyarakat

To evaluate the construction of the WWTP and make design improvements for the WWTP, as well as the improvement of the construction according to the results of previous evaluation studies.