Drawing Kontemporer dan Inovasi Pada Industri Kreatif Sub Sektor Seni Rupa (kerjasama debgan Bekraf dalam kegiatan Bekraf Creative Labs)
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Willy Himawan

Ringkasan Kegiatan

The national art ecosystem has a major problem, namely the lack of intermediary platforms (HR and organizations) in its creative value chain. In it’s cooperation since 2017, KK Seni Rupa (Visual Art Research Group) had been in a co-operation (Through LPPM-ITB) with Deputy 1 Research & Development Bekraf RI, in a prgram entitled BCL (Bekraf Creative Lab), which became an intermediary platform, which brought together actors in the scope of the national visual art ecosystem. This research, respond to the challenges in the visual arts ecosystem, by forming an intermediary forum for visual art sub-sector actors in the form of exhibition activities entitled “Contemporary ○ Drawing ○ Expanded”. Drawing as media in visual art, has been use in various creative form, but yet drawing is still consider as sub-mainstream media that does not have much economic value. This research used community service approach, with a new method of open call exhibition as part of participatory method. During the open call period, 18 July – 1 August 2019, registered 91 applicant consisting professional artists, new comer artists and student from Padang (Sumatera) to Polewali Mandar (Sulawesi), most applicant came from Java and Bali. From 91 applicant, 26 participant selected to join the “Contemporary ○ Drawing ○ Expanded” exhibition that held 23 – 31 August 2019 in Soemardja Gallery of ITB. 26 participants selected due to limited space and theme of the exhibition it self that framed innovation in drawing. During the exhibition, recorded 370 people visited the exhibition, and also several media coverage such as television, printed media and online media.


Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah, Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

The national art ecosystem has a major problem, namely the lack of intermediary platforms (HR and organizations) in its creative value chain.