Dinamika Keterjangkauan Perumahan+Transportasi (H+T Affordability) bagi MBR di Metropolitan Bandung Raya pada tahun 2014 - 2018
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Tri Yuwono

Ringkasan Kegiatan

The research Road Map of Research Group of Housing and Settlement of ITB in 2019 as reference framework gives direction on research focus and direction, with certain themes and issues which proposed to be a long-term plan, has been used as base of research activity from 2018. Hence, the development of new topic of research will always be possible. In 2019, Housing and Settlement Research Group is continuing the 8 main topic from the last year research. From those researches, there are two different outcomes that could be categorized into policy and parameter. The topic on community service particularly will produce policy or strategy regarding affordable housing provision. The product of policy and strategy will be mainly addressed to National or Regional Government, which include Ministry of Public Works and Housing and Local Government of Bandung. Besides that, other research are aimed to generate parameter and insight for establishing more comprehensive housing and settlement planning and design policy, and will also be mainly addressed to Ministry of Public Works and Housing also developers from related business and industries.


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