Desain Bangunan Tradisisional Kasepuhan Ciptagelar Dusun Sukamulya, Desan Sirnaresmi, kecamatan Cisolok, Kabupaten Sukabumi sebagai Modal Pengembangan Wisata Daerah
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

G. Prasetyo Adhitama

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Kampung Kasepuhan Ciptagelar is a well-preserved traditional dwelling site. It is located between Mount Halimun and Mount Salak, precisely in the area of Dusun Sukamulya, Sirnaresmi village, sub-district of Cisolok, Sukabumi Regency, Province of West Java. The cultural heritage has been preserved and developed for hundreds years and become a dwelling place by Kasepuhan Ciptagelar inhabitants. As a cultural artifact, the built environment is very important in the context of the knowledge of design because the it has been developed by considering the social principles and based on the way of life of the local community. The results of the study are quite useful because they explain the phenomenon of dwelling culture. This study aims to explain the characters of form and space of buildings in Kampung Kasepuhan Ciptagelar through identification of the spatial elements and how they are organized in a particular system and give character to form and spaces. Furthermore, the findings of this study are also intended to provide explanation of how the form and space characters are related to activities of inhabitants of the Kampung Kasepuhan Ciptagelar and other community members outside the site. To achieve the objectives of the research, 17 (seventeen) significant buildings in the Kampung Kasepuhan Ciptagelar were analyzed. Data was obtained mainly through field survey. Visual observations, photo and video documentation, building measurements and sketches were made to obtain the physical information of the building. Field survey were carried out for 3 days in August 2019 The results of the research show that there variety of characters of forms and spatial compositions. However, the findings also show that there are some pattern, trend among the 17 buildings and the combinations deliver understanding of the unique characters of the Kampung Kasepuhan Ciptagelar traditional houses. Besides, it can be concluded that the spatial characters also have strong relationships with traditional uses.


Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

Crucial to extract the knowledge from Kampung Kasepuhan Ciptagelar so that it can be used as a reference and as lesson learnt in building design development, both for researchers and designers in the present and the future.