Concept and Current Issues in Biodiversity
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Devi Nandita Choesin

Ringkasan Kegiatan

The term of Biodiversity was popular since 1980s in line with human concern to environmental crisis, such as biodiversity loss and pollution. Biodiversity refers to variation of organisms in genetic, species, and ecosystem level. The existence of biodiversity and their interaction formed a living system for all living things on earth including human sustainability. Biodiversity on earth have important roles to provide ecosystem services such as provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting. However, now adays biodiversity decreasing dramatically due to human activities. Therefore, conservation is extremely needed to protect biodiversity. The importance of biodiversity for sustainable living should be protected. Stakeholders who are involved in conservation are increasing their contribution in this sector, including university, teacher, students, government, and Non-Government Organizations (NGO). Pandemic of Covid-19 in 2020 change the world dramatically. Related to conservation, this pandemic is quite challenging for researchers, conservationists, and managers of conservation area. Pandemic of Covid-19 has changed human activities and this condition gives significant impact on environment. Online lecture was chosen to deliver latest information regarding to conservation biology and challenge during Covid-19 Pandemic. 292 participants were attending this online lecture and they are very enthusiast to listen the lectures. The lectures are divided into two themes, i.e., (1) concepts and current issues in conservation and (2) conservation and challenge during pandemic. To give a real experience about conservation during pandemic, collaboration with Bandung Zoological Garden (Bazoga) was established. A manager of Bazoga also delivered information about animal condition and challenge to keep the animal welfare during pandemic. After delivering material, discussion was open to participants.


Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

Conservation is extremely needed to protect biodiversity.