Citarum : Monitoring Sensor Kualitas Air
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Brian Yuliarto

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Citarum river is one of the largest river in west java and it has highly economic function for the people who live near the river. Citarum provide water for the society and become the main water supplier for many industries. However, so many industrial and household wastes streangthened with a leak of people awareness make citarum river quality become worse by years. This condition make an effort to solve the water pollution problem should be done. The Indonesian government has actually issued various ways to solve health of the water environment due to waste includes the issuance of regulations Government No. 82 of 2001 concerning Management of Water Quality and Pollution Control Water. The government has also issued a 2010 Minister of Environment Regulation No. 1 which regulates the quality standards of water produced from industrial and industrial waste which released liquid waste. In fact, water quality monitoring can be the best strategiy to control the waste. However, development of water quaility monitoring system got less attention and Indonesia tend to import system from other country which is cost way higher than if it is developed in our country. In this study, water quality monitoring system has been developed and tested in citarum river. The purwarupa was also tested in Cikapundung river and showed good performance. The output of this research is to improve and optimize the system and also to instal the prototype system in the citarum river to control the water quality.


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