Capacity Building Aparat Desa untuk Pengelolaan Lahan Komoditi Serai Wangi, Lemon, dan Aren Berbasis Keekonomian Meteorologi (Studi Kasus :  Kecamatan Gununghalu, Kabupaten Bandung Barat)
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Plato Martuani Siregar

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Lemongrass is one of the essential commodities that is very prospective and rich in benefits. Demand for lemongrass oil is quite high and the price is stable and tends to increase (Idawanni, 2016). As for the palm sugar plant itself, it is a plantation crop that has great potential to develop. In addition, the value generated from palm sugar tapping is quite high. One area in the West Java that develops lemongrass is West Bandung Regency, more precisely in Gununghalu District. However, the limitation of weather experts in this region makes the cultivation of plants not optimal. Therefore, the capacity building was held to train village officials to become weather mentors and to form a field climate school for farmers. Thus farmers have simple ability to identify land suitability of various crop commodities so that they can grow optimally in that particular region. Previously, the productivities of lemongrass, lemon, and palm sugar have been calculated in Gununghalu. Information in the form of land management scenarios for planting lemongrass, lemon and palm sugar in terms of climate, land, land and economic suitability in the West Bandung Regency will make it easier for farmers to use their land properly, so that it can become a reference for planting in other villages and for start production in the area.


Penerapan Karya Tulis, Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan

Testimoni Masyarakat

The limitation of weather experts in Gununghalu District makes the cultivation of plants not optimal.