Cahaya dalam Seni dan Desain
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Alexander Agustinus P. Iskandar

Ringkasan Kegiatan

The first celebration of International Day of Light (IDL) conducted around the world was held in 2017. The Magnetic and Photonic Physics Scientific Group participated in enlivening the commemoration in 2018 by carrying out Community Service activities with the theme of the Phenomenon, Science and Technology Demonstration of Light in Daily Life and attended by more from 100 invited elementary and junior high school students. The response of the community recorded from the activity was very encouraging. On the one hand, talking about light and its uses in science and advanced technology that we are very much dependent today has become something ordinary. But there are many other segments of society outside the community of pure/hard science (physics, chemistry, biology etc.) and engineering/technology that also use light in a sophisticated or exotic way. Two groups/communities that not only use light but appreciate light are a group of artists and designers and architects. Mutual understanding and appreciation between scientists, artists, designers dan architects that use light and show it to the general public will be a very useful and ideal activity.


Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan

Testimoni Masyarakat

ince 2016, the world organization UNESCO has set May 16 as the International Day of Light (IDL) to celebrate the important role of light in human life through public education so that the science and technology of light is appreciated following its great contribution to date.