Aplikasi Asesmen Pertumbuhan Organisasi Untuk UMKM
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Made Andriani

Ringkasan Kegiatan

The development of the Integrated Organization Assessment (ASTRO-ITB) application is based on a high failure rate on new businesses in the first 3-5 years. On the other hand, MSMEs become Indonesia's economic foundation because of its flexible characteristics. One tool that can be used to monitor the organizational growth is Organizational Life Cycle (OLC) which is describe the stages of corporate growth. Each stage has different characteristics, so that organizational has differences in its needs also. For this reason, it is important for each organization to be able to monitor its position of the growth stage, so the organization can conceive the changing characteristics of the organization. For this reason, an application has been developed that can be used by MSMEs independently to assess the position of the growth stage currently being experienced. Application content development is based on the results of previous study (Andriani, et al., 2018) related to the characteristics of the growth stage in the fashion industry. The following are the features that have been developed. Application development is carried out through several stages, namely the development of Microsoft Excel-based applications, website-based application development, trial testing of two fashion companies, evaluation of applications using online questionnaires. Furthermore, the business process maturity and knowledge management needs assessment will be developed by using the results of the growth stage assessment as a standard.


Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Perintisan kelompok usaha dan pengembangan UKM

Testimoni Masyarakat

A tool that can be used to monitor the organizational growth which is describe the stages of corporate growth.