Analisis Aerodinamika Berbasis CFD untuk Pesawat Glider GL-1
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Ema Amalia

Ringkasan Kegiatan

This report highlights the research activities in the Flight Physics research group. This year, this group is granted with five hundred million rupiah P3MI funding for seven activities. There are three activities for research, three activities for community service, and one activity for innovation. The allocation of the budget are as follows, forty five percent goes to research activities, thirty percent goes to community service activities, and twenty five percent goes to the innovation activity. In the proposal, we promised three papers in Q3 international journals, three papers in international conferences, and one prototype of Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 6. The actual output of the activities are one paper submitted to a Q1 international journals, two papers are in preparation to be submitted to Q3 international journals, and twelve papers have been presented in international conferences, also a prototype of TRL 6 has been built and partially tested. Apart from the above mentioned outputs, the activities also output several technical documents, related to each activity. Furthermore, the activities involving all of the member of the research group, consolidate and strengthen the capabilities to perform research and development in the relevant field. It is obvious that the output of the activities exceeds the target significantly.


Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Penerapan Karya Tulis

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Aerodinamika Berbasis CFD untuk Pesawat Glider GL-1