Advanced Localized Information for Community Flood Emergencies (ALICE)
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Faizal Immaddudin Wira Rohmat

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Flood is a frequent natural disaster in Indonesia, especially in urbanized areas such as Jakarta and Majalaya. Flooding can be caused by various factors, including extreme rainfall, urbanization pressure, and climate change. To reduce flood risk, strategies are needed that involve land use planning, flood-resistant buildings, flood warning systems, flood control infrastructure, natural flood management, and preparedness planning. One example of flood risk reduction efforts is the activities carried out by the "Jaga Balai" community in Majalaya, which include weather observation, water level observation, and information dissemination through WhatsApp groups. However, this activity still has some obstacles, such as the lack of data and resource integration. Therefore, the proposed community service activity is to develop a disaster information integrator website that combines several disaster observation data sources in one integrated and reproducible portal, called "ALICE". The outputs of this activity include website development, discussion sessions and media coverage.


Website siaga banjir; Pengabdian masyarakat terdampak bencana

Testimoni Masyarakat

Aplikasi keahlian (expertise) KK, pemahaman mengenai banjir dan potensi pengurangan risikonya. Potensi riset.