Endang Soegiartini
Low-cost cameras nowadays become common gadgets to be utilized as learning facility or media of Physics and Astronomy for wider audience. A number of Astronomical phenomena yet overlooked by common people in spite of their curious on it. Using a web camera, natural phenomena that cannot be seen directly with naked eyes can now be observed, recorded and analyzed. Common people can admire natural phenomena and find the answers to the mystery of physical phenomenon and physical laws working on it. We take an concrete example of astronomical learning which is conducted using simple telescope ‘You are Galileo!’ of Spica type connected to a web camera. Images of objects taken in this activity are Moon, Sun, planets as well as other natural phenomena. They are later recorded and processed using free ware, the SplitCam. Image processing are undertaken using image processing software IRIS. Identification of craters and volcanoes on the moon can be analyzed, while from the image of Sun, we can get the Wolf number. Identification of rings and natural satellites of planets can be deduced from planetary images.
Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan
Bagaimana memperkenalan penggunaan web-camera sebagai alat bantu untuk pembelajaran astronomi dan fisika bagi siswa dan guru SMA.