Ujang Dinar Husyari
This Research covered some sub-research about enhancement of rice plant productivity and study about other staple food besides rice. First sub-research is study to examine the effect of local organic matter (Tithonia diversifolia and Azolla pinnata) on the grow and yield of rice plants. Field research was conducted on paddy fields located at the Kampus ITB Jatinangor, that has a high Fe content. From teh study we found that organic fertilizer of Tithonia diversifolia (3,25 ton ha-1) + azolla pinnata (3,25 ton ha-1) gave the best effect on plant growth. While the treatment of organic fertilizer of Tithonia diversifolia (2,5 ton ha-1)+ organik fertlizer of Azolla pinnata (2,5 ton ha-1) gave the best effect on yield per plot and weight of 1000 grain.
Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Penerapan Karya Tulis
How to enhance rice plant productivity