Dumaria Rulina Tampubolon
Earthquakes are one of the natural phenomena in Indonesia that cannot be avoided. The occurrence of earthquake events cannot be accurately predicted. This places an earthquake as one of the largest natural disasters in Indonesia because of the risks that can be caused, namely the risk of casualties and the risk of financial losses. The entire territory of Indonesia is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire region, which is an area most often experienced tectonic earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The risk of danger caused is truly extraordinary, both based on the number of fatalities and damage to infrastructure and property. One of the worst natural disasters throughout the world history is the earthquake that occurred in Aceh on December 26, 2004 with a scale of 9.1 - 9.3 m w . The earthquake resulted in fatalities of around 225,000 people and the impact of financial losses of Rp 51.40 trillion. Various efforts have been made to reduce the risk of loss due to earthquakes in the future. One of the efforts to anticipate and reduce financial risk is to analyze the risk of fnansial losses using probabilistic methods. Earthquake Catastrophe (CAT) Model is a probabilistic model for estimating the risk of fiansial losses caused by earthquakes. E Arthquake Cat Model consists of four components namely hazard module , inventory module , vulnerability module , and loss module . In the hazard module component is explained about the dangers of earthquakes that are influenced by the location of the central earthquake and also Moment Magnitude earthquake. Activities workshop that will be held focusing on the preparation of hazard module ; and modeling Moment Magnitude earthquake mainshock with a distribution, namely Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD).
Workshop participants can determine the parameter of the Magnitude Moment (GPD) distribution of the MainShock Tectonic earthquake with Python software; Workshop participants can do a declustering window to separate the mainshock earthquake from Foreshock and Aftershock.; Workshop participants can take raw data from the USGS website; Workshop participants can make shapefiles and map hazard with QGIS.
This workshop is one of the forums for students and the general public to get to know the Earthquake Catastrophe Risk Modeling; Specifically how to model probabilistic historical data Moment Magnitude Mainshock tectonic earthquake. For most students and lecturers of actuarial sciences from universities in Indonesia, this is something new, which is not taught in a course in the curriculum of the Bachelor Study Program and Actuarial Master. It is expected that through this workshop activity, it can arouse the interest of lecturers and actuarial students to conduct research in the field of Earthquake Cat Risk Modeling.