Researcher Name (Team Leader)

Didi Sunadi

Activity Summary

Stopwatch is a time listing tool that is commonly used by teachers and trainers in measuring a person's fitness, however, data records recorded cannot be integrated with a digital-based time recording system. Another problem is that when recording time into the test form is very possible to occur errors due to the existence of human errors that cause test results not in accordance with the record time mentioned by the stopwatch holder. Thus to avoid the error data of time recording and the possibility of data manipulation, the community service team from KK SPEAME SPEAMINATION makes an automatic running time timing running Timing RFID G2, this tool can record running time automatically and has a level of accuracy high and can be connected with the internet. The purpose of this community service is to provide training on the use of technology in testing fitness throughout sports teachers in the city of Bandung. This activity was attended by 23 high school level sports teacher participants in Bandung. The steps of approaches carried out in this service include, coordinating with the Stei faculty in the process of making a tool, making a permit that was addressed to the Head of the KCD region VII of the Bandung City Education Office to hold solidation and coordinate with SMAN 2 Bandung City as the location of the activity was held. This community service is conveyed in two forms of activity, namely socialization directly to participants and practices of using tools. All participants took part in the activity in an orderly manner, in the first session of the material delivered by Dr. Bambang Abduljabar, M.Pd., with the title of an important role in the use of technology in testing fitness, then the second material was conveyed by Iwa Ikhwan Hidayat, M.Or., with the topic of discussion on the application of technology that has been made by the Sports KK accompanied by practice . Each participant is given the opportunity to try to operate the Timing Run Floor Mat Anthena RFID G2 tool, this tool serves to calculate the number of turns when running 2.4 km automatically and directly integrated with the results of VO2MAX samples. The hope of this community service, all sports teachers have begun to be aware of the importance of use of technology to facilitate teacher performance and can improve the achievements and the local level of students at school.




1. Facilitate sports teachers in taking student fitness data 2. Can control student fitness regularly in each month 3. DPAT see student talents through VO2MAX students