Suhono Harso Supangkat
E-commerce (Electronic Commerce) can connect between companies, or between individuals as consumers to carry out transactions, exchanges of goods, and information exchange through the internet or other computers. In line with these developments, then the transaction process can be done online, where everyone who exists in the earth can be connected and order goods and make transactions through internet media, there are no direct encounter between buyers and sellers. In carrying out an online transaction process, in general the peers need reliable technology (reliable) in the management of its management and business technology that can be reached by all internet users who will later help in the business process. In addition, the security of transaction information managed by dancaransi for transactions that take place is several factors that can affect the level of user trust in using platforme-commerce.
Lab prototypypes, international proceedings
- The asset management system can be used by Digital Marketplace as a Safe Asset Recording feature