Allis Nurdini
The arrangement of tourist settlements in rural areas affected by high urbanization (case study of Sukawijaya Village, Bekasi Regency, West Java Province) several villages around the Jakarta area, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (abbreviated with Jabodetabek) experienced very high urbanization pressure. Likewise with the pressure on changes or transfer of the function of agricultural land into housing and or industry. On the other hand the need to fulfill economic activities for rural centers has continued to occur through diversification of activities, including tourism activities. Often tourism activities are juxtaposed with regional commercialization activities which can actually accelerate changes in the function of agricultural land. Therefore, the study to identify opportunities for agrarian-based tourism activities in rural areas around Jabodetabek is very necessary to be associated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) target in the form of sustainable settlements. Sukawijaya was chosen as a case in this study because it has characteristics that represent the village area bordering Jakarta , in this case in Bekasi Regency in the north. This area has a rice field area of 413.5 ha of 413.5 ha of the village area. The method for the implementation of this study is a combination of research and qualitative research research. The Focus Group Discussion (FGD) technique, interviews of community leaders, resident interviews, and a thematic survey are carried out to get ideas, ideas, and input from the core stakeholders on the chances of village arrangement into tourist settlements. Partners in the implementation of this study, namely the tourist conscious group (Pokdarwis) of Dozer, Sukawijaya Village, Tambelang District, Kabulaten Bekasi. Analysis of potential areas is run qualitatively, and through the Space Syntax technique accompanied by the analysis of the potential of the actor's network. This study concluded that local actors had a high level of desire to maintain ownership rights of land accompanied by a strong desire to defend existing agricultural land. The appearance of Pokdarwis led by a young generation of village is a new direction to diversify agricultural-based activities into activities that bring economic benefits more broadly. The role of Islamic boarding schools and religious leaders greatly determine the basis of local tourism activities, namely tourism rooted in routine recitation activities or frequated religious pilgrimage activities. This activity can be an opportunity for synergizing activities of visits for a typical agrarian tourist motif at that location. Activities planning and tread design are then translated from the potential and choice that appears bottom-up from residents and is expected to be sustainable based on the routine of the citizens itself.
.1. Enrichment of Mandatory Lecture Materials S1 4151 Architecture Seminar; AR 3241 Housing and Settlement Design and Masters Lecture AR 5141 Research Methodology Architecture; 2. Implementation of IMU MBKM - Engagement of Social Projects