Lusia Marliana Nurani
The importance of college librarians in understanding the principle of academic integrity is something that cannot be denied again because librarians are the main partners for academics in carrying out research and scientific writing activities. In developed state colleges, librarians play an important role as researcher partners in helping researchers find appropriate references, socializing the right citasi use in accordance with the field of study, and socialize the use of reference managers. Not only that, the librarians also have an obligation to raise the awareness of the academics of enforcing academic integrity including avoiding plagiarism. Unfortunately so far the librarian in Indonesia is not optimal, it is even less, in playing a role in becoming one of the pillars of guards of academic integrity. Stereotype People who see the "Only" librarian as officers in managing the libraries increasingly distance librarians from the important role. Therefore, this is the main focus of service devotion to the community entitled "Increasing the Role of Universities Librarians in strengthening academic integrity" which is realized in the form of workshops. The workshop was organized by the Literacy Expertise Group, Media and Culture of the Faculty of Art and Design of the Bandung Institute of Technology in collaboration with the Java Library Library Forum (FPPTI) of the Javanese area, the workshop activity was carried out virtually using the zoom application. The output of this activity is ISBN textbooks that are expected to contribute to increasing the role of college librarians. Each topic in this book is compiled by the Devotional Activity Team to the public and is expected to be a reference for librarians when carrying out information literacy activities.
(1) increasing understanding of librarians will be the importance of academic integrity for all academics including librarians (2) increased librarian awareness that his role as a Partner of Lecturers, researchers, and students demanded librarians to spread the awareness of the importance of academic integrity through information literacy activities