Pengembangan Metode Latihan Kondisi Fisik Pada Unit Keolahragaan Mahasiswa ITB
Researcher Name (Team Leader)

Didi Sunadi

Activity Summary

Activity This service is in the form of training in physical conditions for as many as 30 units of sports activities ITB Students (SMEs) registered in ITB Student Agency (ITB SK Chancellor Number: 689C / SK / i1.B03 / KP / 2017). Each SME will be represented by 2 people from the management and coach. Training is held online in October. Theoretical material is given by 2 people The Yamg speaker has expertise in the field of physical coaching and sports psychology. Stage Preparation (September- October 2020) includes; Training participants registration, supply Training facilities, and procurement of webinar equipment. Implementation Stage (October 2020) includes; physical training model training, measurement model, training evaluation and psychological conditions of athletes. Every unit that takes the webinar training will get Seminatkit in the form of 1 set of equipment / practicing medium physical condition (vest, lader, cones, pluit, Skipping, module). The reporting and publication stage in December 2020 which includes; Reporting of community service activities and media publications. Aim : This community service activity aims to improve the physical condition of students In the framework of achieving maximum achievement. Submission of Devotional Activity Material This community is done through training in a virtual physical condition / webinar. Implementation : The speaker consists of Dr. Dikdik Zafar Sidik, M.Pd, and Dr. Nurosi, M.Pd; Done by Online on October 10, 2020 at 09.00-12.00 WIB. Followed by 60 participants Among them are coaches / administrators of ITB student sports units and class representatives TPB sport ITB 2020/2021.


Application of writing


In general ITB student sports achievement in the scene National is still not encouraging, this is caused by many factors influence it. The problem of student academic activities is so crowded and the necessity of passing on time is a factor that is difficult to avoid for the most part Talented ITB students in the field of sports. Besides the physical condition training model conventional is also a weakness in the process of practicing which this causes Left behind by those who practice with more up-to-date models. Therefore A more recent physical training methodology is needed.