Pemberdayaan Tenaga Kesehatan dan Pendidikan untuk Penanganan Stunting Terintegrasi Melalui Pendekatan Pengukuran Gelombang Otak Anak di Dua Kabupaten, Kupang dan Timor Tengah Selatan, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT)
Researcher Name (Team Leader)

Lulu Lusianti Fitri

Activity Summary

"Indonesia is a country with the fourth largest population in the world, but the fulfillment of poor nutrition that has an impact on the emergence of stuntitng problems in children is one of the important problems that are still faced by Indonesia today. Stunting is a condition of the inhibition of the physical growth of children indicated through lower height than the height of his age. This condition is generally caused by not fulfilling the appropriate nutritional needs, both during pregnancy (prenatal) and during the growth of children (postnatal). Stunting affects physical and cognitive development that is less than optimal so that it results in the ability to understand the slower in children his age. According to data from the Ministry of Health, the prevalence level of stunting in Indonesia alone reached 24.4% in 2021 and the province of East Nusa Tenggara in the second highest position in Indonesia related to the stunting case. The purpose of this ITB community service program is to carry out two main activities namely: (1) Empowerment of health and education in handling stunting collaboratively and integrated in areas that have high stunting figures, namely Takari District and Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). This stage starts from preparation until the implementation of dissemination of knowledge in the community in the form of seminars regarding stunting and nutrition. This activity was carried out collaboratively and integrated by involving several parties, including several elements of the local government, namely the Health Office affiliated with the Biomolecular Laboratory of Public Health and the Education Office which was attended by elementary school teachers, UPTD in Kupang City and Takari District. The seminar was held twice located in the Swiss-Belcourt Ballroom Kupang City (August 8, 2022) and the Hall of SD Inpres Bokok 1 Takari District (August 9, 2022). This seminar raised the title ""Caring and Aware of Stunting for Teachers and Parents in the City and Regency of Kupang"" as a form of dissemination of nutritional knowledge to the community to be more aware of the risk of stunting that occurs in children due to the lack of fulfillment of appropriate nutritional needs. In this seminar also a demonstration of the use of Muse EEG in measuring brain waves and its role in profiling cognitive abilities in children. After that, the distribution of leaflets and booklets containing material about the dangers of stunting and their influence on children's cognitive abilities. (2) Measurement and retrieval of cognition data for elementary students indicated stunting (August 10-13, 2022). Data collection in Takari District was held in six elementary schools that lasted for two days (10-11 August 2022) with the number of students who became 87 people. Furthermore, data collection in Kupang City was carried out in two elementary schools that lasted for one day (August 12, 2022) with the number of students who became naracoba as many as 25 people. The results of data analysis related to cognitive tests show that the average cognitive ability of students who experience stunting in Takari District (66.56%) and Kupang City (66.67%) is lower than normal students. There are differences in cognitive abilities between students who experience stunting and normal students indicate the influence given by stunting conditions on cognitive development in children"

