Pembangunan jalur transmisi, reservoir, dan toilet komunal dengan menggunakan Bio filter di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya
Researcher Name (Team Leader)

Tjandra Setiadi

Activity Summary

Some people consider water as a source of life, the core of all life living things. No denying that for clean water is primary needs used for various activities such as; Drink, shower, Wash, farming, cooking. Sadly, such crucial resources in life cannot be accessed by everyone. One of them is the people of Sirnaraja Village, Cigalontang District, Tasikmalaya Regency, also known as Cicurug Village. Clean water infrastructure was built in RT 12 and 18, Sirnaraja Village, Cigalontang District, Tasikmalaya Regency, or better known as Cicurug Village. Kampung Cicurug is one of the highest villages of Cigalontang District. The lowest point of Cigalontang Subdistrict is at an altitude of around 600 masl. Before clean water infrastructure woke up, there had been a help in the form of two contents in a 1000-liter capacity of the source of water was flowed by utilizing gravity from the forest above the village. The reservoir is placed near two residents' houses and still public hydrant; Not yet distributed to the homes of each citizen. At the time of the drought, the water source was unable to meet the water requirements of approximately 60 family heads in RT 12 and 18. There are two water sources that may be used: water from the forest, and springs. Based on the time of the emergence of problems that appear in the dry season and continuity available water sources, selected water sources are springs.


Application of appropriate technology, the application of writing


Clean water infrastructure was built in RT 12 and 18, Sirnaraja Village, Cigalontang District, Tasikmalaya Regency, or better known as Cicurug Village. Kampung Cicurug is one of the highest villages of Cigalontang District. Lowest point Cigalontang District is at an altitude of around 600 masl. Before clean water infrastructure woke up, there had been a help in the form of two contents in a 1000-liter capacity of the source of water was flowed by utilizing gravity from the forest above the village. The reservoir is placed near two residents' houses and still public hydrant; Not yet distributed to the homes of each citizen. At the dry period, The water source is not able to meet the water requirements of approximately 60 heads of family on RT 12 and 18.