Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Prediksi Cuaca Resolusi dan Ketepatan Tinggi untuk Mendukung Mitigasi Bencana Hidrometeorolog
Researcher Name (Team Leader)

Armi Susandi

Activity Summary

Indonesia is one of the countries that is most prone to disasters in the world, including the disaster of hydrometeorology. The high Indonesian disaster vulnerability caused losses and threatened the risk of losing their lives during natural disasters. The average loss per year experienced by Indonesia due to natural disasters reached Rp 22 trillion per year not including mental losses (Ministry of Finance, 2018). Regarding efforts to mitigate the hydrometeorology disaster, the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) has succeeded in developing a state of art from the intelligent technology of the premature prediction of hydrometeorological disasters which are divided into several innovation products. Among them is the Hydrometeorological Disaster Warning Information System that is able to predict hydrometeorological disasters such as extreme weather, floods and landslides for the next 3 days and up to the scale of the village in the scope of Indonesia. Another system owned by ITB is the Early Warning Early Action System (Feweas) flood application specifically detecting flooding. Feweas is very detailed explaining the potential of floods for the next 3 days which include high-level high river, high and broad inundation water advances, and standby status. ITB also has an application of an intelligent information system agribusiness that can be used for flood mitigation and drought that has the potential to have an impact on agriculture. Sica is also equipped with a recommendation prediction system for rice planting time to 10 daily intervals.


Application of appropriate technology, the implementation of social care activities in the form of education / counseling / mentoring


One of the causes of the number of victims due to natural disasters is the lack of community knowledge of disaster profiles and disaster information where they live. To overcome this problem, currently the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) has developed a hydrometeorological disaster warning information system.