Literasi Model Bisnis Usaha Milik Desa (Bumdes) Berbasis Digital
Researcher Name (Team Leader)

Kartib Bayu

Activity Summary

In supporting the increase in the role of BUMDES business and the rise of micro and small businesses in the countryside while running a health protocol. On December 29, 2020, ITB, cooperation with PT. Telkom, the Association of Entrepreneurial Guides and the Government of Sumedang Regency has provided assistance in the form of Digital Village, Computer / PCProcessor Intel-i7 application software, LED Monitor 22 "LG, Webcam HD 960P, LAN Cable and Internet Network (Indihome) to Management in three villages in the Regency Sumedang as a pilot Bumdes Yaitubumdes Village Citali District Pamulihan, Bumdes Ujung Jaya Village, Ujungjaya Subdistrict and Bumdes Sukaratu Village Darmaraja District. Helpful as a means and infrastructure supporting the transformation of Bumdes Business Daritraditional to a digital-based Bumdes business. To use and operate the above assistance needs to be supported by competent Bumdes Management HR and the appropriate business model policy to be carried out sitings in Bumdes's business digitization in an effort to arouse businessbumdes in the era of adaptation of new habits and faced the industrial era 4.0. Therefore the design of the BUMDES business model and an increase in the Digital Bumdes-based Bumdes Management HR, in the new habit adaptation and the era of Industry 4.0 is very necessary. The purpose of PPM activities is to obtain a new BUMDES BUMDES business model of new habits by continuing the health protocol for the prevention and deployment of Covid-19 and Pemansfatanandan to operationalize support facilities and infrastructure supporting Digital village (software and hardware) to support the Bumdes business. The method of approach used is intense individual and approachability / group. Appearance of learning / literacy / training methods use adult approaches "Andragogy" and "Participatory". The steps will be carried out to solve the problems faced by the BUMDes that are diagnosed with problems and analysis of needs, design technology / models and activities, simulations and testing models, BUMDES Management HR training and technological implementation and mentoring. The implementation of community service will be held for 8 months, the location of activities in Sumedang Regency with 3 pilot bumdes, namely BUMDESCITALI Pamulihan Subdistrict, Bumdes Village Sukaratu District Darmaraja and Bumdesdya Ujungjaya Subdistrict Ujung Jaya District. The results of the activity show that the Bumdes business development model has been prepared on the ibaaptasi new habit of digital litigation. The transformation of BUMDES business is from the Digital Bumdes to a digital business. BUMDES managers have knowledge and appearance to manage digital-based BUMDES businesses and the existence of the use and operation of facilities and infrastructure supporting digital villages to run Bisnisbumdes;




1. BUMDES BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 2. Policy in economic recovery 3. Improved rural economy