Institut Teknologi Bandung Menuju Sustainable Campus
Researcher Name (Team Leader)

Retno Gumilang Dewi

Activity Summary

ITB can take the role and contribute through life development Sustainable campus. Sustainable Campus is a form of campus contribution in building a sustainable society through education and research, and collaboration with all parties. Campus can function as an experimental model for the surrounding environment; Based on interactions with various stakeholders in the community both through research and process activities education. More broadly, sustainable campus supports the realization of community welfare by expanding � education and research rooted in social challenges� as the overall policy of campus activities which are harmonized with development In the area around the campus. In addition, ITB as a higher education institution also plays an important role in disseminating information about sustainability, educating generations The future, and prepares prospective leaders with skills to solve regional and local problems from a global and interdisciplinary perspective. The aim that has been achieved by the existence of this study he was assigned to the Sustainable Campus implementation guidebook at ITB. The guidebook compiled is the first step guide for ITB in the application of sustainable campus life and harmonized with the activities carried out by the ITB community. With this service, it is expected to be the first step in synchronization and harmonization of sustainable activities carried out in the campus environment ITB Ganesha.


Application of writing


The movement to realize sustainable and low carbon emissions requires a variety of input of the latest innovation and technology. Therefore, the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), which is a leading higher education institution in the country, especially in science and technology should be amid the whirlpool of the movement. Armed with mastery of science and technology, the ITB campus can be a model for the formation of sustainable living orders.