Aplikasi Struktur Lattice Bidang Lipat pada Desain Masjid Nurul Hasanah, Palu
Researcher Name (Team Leader)

Andry Widyowijatnoko

Activity Summary

The earthquake struck Lombok on August 5, 2018. Not long ago the earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction hit Central Sulawesi on September 28, 2018. The Provincial Government and the Acehnese community were able to collect donation funds to rebuild one of the mosques that were damaged both in Lombok and in Palu. .-Ing. Andry Widyowijatnoko is trusted to manage assistance funds in the form of the design and development of the two mosques. The Annur Mosque in North Lombok was built with bamboo construction due to large bamboo potential in Lombok and has been inaugurated in 2019. Meanwhile the mosque in Palu uses wood due to large wood potential in Central Sulawesi. This mosque is in the Supervisor, Tatanga District, Palu City. This mosque is now named Jami Mosque Nurul Hasanah Aceh, to always reminiscent of the Acehnese community contribution to the construction of this mosque. The design of this mosque was inspired by traditional Central Sulawesi and Aceh architecture and uniting it in a geometry pattern of Islamic architecture as a symbol of friendship between the two provinces. The 20x20m wide span structure is solved by the structure of Lattice which is a structure consisting of columns and beams of meetings that make up the rectangular fields or genjang fields combined with folding field structures. Wide span structure like this is designed so that the mosque does not have a column that can cut Shaf in the middle. Some of the slanted roof fields are supported by steel pipe structures in the middle of four sides which are part of the entrance and mihrab. Most of the other roof frames are channeled to reinforced concrete columns as well as wall frames. This column is made not too high and has folds in its plan for resistance to the laveral roof load.


Artwork / Architecture


This community service program contributed real and direct to the hammer community in the form of a mosque to replace the previous mosque which was severely damaged by the earthquake. One student master architecture design architecture takes the development of this mosque design and the surrounding environment for the task of the design thesis and gained maximum value.