Through the family-based education method, Ms. Septi Peni Wulandani will discuss various steps to deal with the issue of learning systems in the current era, technology challenges, difficulties on access to science and information to realize independent children's education. He is the figure of the founder of a white bee at the foot of Merbabu Mountain and the founder of various communities including the Professional Mother Community, Cantrik and Jarimatika Indonesia Community. Successfully won many awards, among others, as individuals of the 2006 Community Expault (Danamon Award), Kartini Next Generation in the field of education from the Ministry of Communication and Information 2013, the 2017 Cool School Award for the White Beekeeping and Chosen as 1 Among the 100 World Leader Community Leaders who have the right to follow Facebook Community Leadership Program in Silicon Valley, California 2018-2019.

Materi: Free Children's Education

Septi Peni Wulandani • Founder Ibu Profesional & Sekolah Lebah Putih

He is the figure of the founder of a white bee at the foot of Merbabu Mountain and the founder of various communities including the Professional Mother Community, Cantrik and Jarimatika Indonesia Community..



19 February 2021