Primary School Teachers in Sepaku Subdistrict Receive Training from ITB Bandung to Enhance Educator Capacity in the National Capital

A number of primary school teachers in Sepaku Subdistrict, North Penajam Paser (PPU), received training through a workshop conducted by ITB Bandung. This initiative aims to enhance the capacity of educators in the National Capital (IKN).

According to Associate Professor Nia Kurniasih from ITB, 50 teachers from all primary schools in Sepaku participated in this activity. They were provided with training in English language skills and national awareness.

The urgency of this training, she said, arises from the relocation of IKN to Sepaku coinciding with an era of disruptive technological change, particularly in communication technologies.

"If educators are not equipped from now, many problems may arise in facing future technological challenges," she stated on Wednesday (October 11, 2023).

She explained that in the near future, Sepaku will see newcomers from various backgrounds, both local and international. Without critical thinking skills and understanding, the local community might face challenges in adapting to societal advancements driven by technological changes.

"We believe that human resources need to think critically. With the influx of diverse cultures, it's crucial to prepare for societal advancements alongside technological changes," she explained.

Meanwhile, Alimuddin, Deputy for Social, Cultural, and Community Empowerment of the IKN Authority, emphasized that the development of IKN requires a collaborative effort. It’s not just about infrastructure but also about human resources (HR).

Various activities have been conducted to develop HR in Sepaku. While the general public receives various skills training, educators also need adequate knowledge and insight.

Language training is considered particularly helpful as IKN is set to gain international prominence. This means that not only Indonesians but also people from abroad will come to Sepaku.

Moreover, English education is essential for students. This effort aligns with making English a mandatory subject at the primary school level, no longer just a local content subject.

"English is mandatory not just because of the curriculum, but because it’s essential. When I was Head of the Education Department, I already prepared for this. We should be an example, a place for others to learn," Alimuddin explained.

In line with this, Sri Wahyuni, an educator from SD 010 Sepaku, expressed that she greatly benefited from such training. One challenge in Sepaku is the language barrier. They use Indonesian daily in schools, and knowledge of foreign languages is still limited.

This, she said, needs to be addressed from the beginning to keep pace with the development of IKN in their area.

"I'm very proud and grateful to participate in this activity. It automatically adds new insights and knowledge. We've been lacking in everyday language skills," she said.

Efforts to improve the quality of life in Sepaku are ongoing. These include not only teachers but also mothers, farmers, and others.

Recently, ITB also helped provide insights on agricultural technology and construction to the people of Sepaku.

