Improve Teacher Quality in Kalimantan

Teachers are the backbone of the nation's education because it is from them that students are taught everything to prepare for their lives in the future. High school geography teachers, like other teachers, are required to improve their quality considering that if their abilities remain constant from time to time, the quality of education will also stagnate.
Kalimantan is projected to be the island where the nation's capital is located, so it requires a lot of local resources which must be continuously honed and improved in quality. Of course, if there are more qualified human resources, they will be able to manage and manage all the potential that exists, especially on the island.

For decades, national science olympiads have been held, both in the fields of geography and geography, the participants who entered the National Training Center from the island of Kalimantan showed a very minimal number, as well as those from the island of Papua. From 2013 to 2020, there was only one person who entered the National Training Center from the island of Kalimantan, especially East Kalimantan, namely from Balikpapan. On the other hand, regions such as Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi, throughout the year always have representatives and even dominate. The contingent of the international olympiad in geography, (IGeO, International Geographic Olympiad) was not even represented by participants from the island of Borneo. From the various complaints from teachers and students to us that were conveyed on various occasions, this was due to inadequate facilities and infrastructure that existed in all provinces on the island.

Books, tutors, teachers who have good abilities seem to be still not evenly distributed and obtained by students. During the covid19 pandemic, all teaching and learning facilities improved with the era of increasingly sophisticated digital information technology. However, areas far from the capital city of Jakarta, such as the island of Kalimantan, still require special tutorials and teaching to teachers by competent experts on an ongoing basis so that material enrichment occurs. Tutorials on basic physical and social geography materials will open up the horizons of teachers' thinking so that they can find a connection point between the material presented online which is widely scattered on the internet and handbooks for geography lessons at the high school level whose discussion is not in-depth.

The online method had to be taken considering there are still obstacles in collecting teachers offline due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, we, the supervisors/coaches/supervisors of the National Science Olympiad (OSN) or now better known as the National Science Competition (KSN) in the field of geography, intend to improve the quality of high school geography teachers throughout the island of Kalimantan so that they have a big positive impact such as for example, equitable distribution of the quality of geography teachers so that it is hoped that the quality of students will also increase.

Improving the quality of human resources on the island of Kalimantan through multi-year training activities is expected to bring positive effects in a row. We are also trying to do the same for other islands throughout Indonesia as a form of affirmation for teachers throughout Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke.

