SITH ITB Community Service Team Processes Gunung Geulis Bamboo Into Expensive Items

6 November 2021,

The Community Service Team (PM) for the SITH ITB Forestry Technology KK Top-down scheme, chaired by Dr. Ir. Sutrisno, M.Sc., IPU provided advanced training in the technique of making laminated bamboo and its derivative products to farmers around the educational forest of Mount Geulis ITB, Jatiroke Village, Jatinangor District, Sumedang Regency.

This activity is a team initiative to process bamboo around Gunung Geulis into products that are more useful and have high selling value.

So far, people use bamboo conventionally, meaning that bamboo is harvested and then directly used as building material or other purposes, without being processed first. With this training, the community is invited to process bamboo into laminated bamboo products which are then reprocessed into various kinds of derivative products to meet various household needs such as tables, chairs, souvenirs, kitchen utensils and other products that have a higher economic value because of their more attractive appearance and strength. higher.

The training activity was opened by the Chair of the Forestry Technology KK of SITH ITB, Eka Mulya Alamsyah, Ph.D. In his speech, representing the Dean of SITH ITB, he said that PM activities are an obligation for every lecturer in implementing the Tridharma of Higher Education. In addition, the PM activity carried out by the Forestry Technology KK also aims to increase public understanding in the field of bamboo cultivation and bamboo processing techniques so that they have high economic value, so as to increase their income.

“In addition to a more attractive appearance, through bamboo lamina technology it is also possible to increase the strength of the product, so it is hoped that it can replace the function of solid wood from natural forests, which are increasingly expensive due to decreasing production. Thus, through this training, the community is also invited to participate in preserving the forest," said Sutrisno after the training event which was attended by representatives of farmers who are members of the Gunung Geulis Farmers Communication Forum..

In summary, the technique of making laminated bamboo begins with cutting the bamboo along the segments or the book, then splitting it and shaving it into bamboo blades. Furthermore, the bamboo slats are combined in the width and length directions using white glue (PVAc) then cold pressed (at room temperature) for approximately 24 hours. In order to make it look more attractive and increase its strength, then the laminated bamboo is given a finishing treatment by using certain finishing materials on all parts of the surface with the desired thickness.

In addition to providing training, the PM KK Forestry Technology Team of SITH ITB also provided a package of tools for making laminated bamboo and its derivative products, in the form of a bamboo press designed by the ITB lecturer himself, circular saw, shaver, PVAc glue and finishing materials. Apart from being a training facility, this tool is expected to be used as initial capital for a group of bamboo craftsmen farmers in Jatiroke Village in starting a business in the field of laminated bamboo and its derivative products on a home industry scale, under the guidance of SITH ITB..

Writer: Ali Hasan Asyari

