BANDUNG, 21, 2021, the Community Service Team of the ITB Rural Empowerment Center (P2D-ITB) held a webinar with the topic "Development of BUMDes Entrepreneurship Based on Pentahelix". This activity is the final series of the P2D ITB community service program.
The event, which was attended by 224 participants from various circles, discussed and provided an overview to the general public and BUMDes managers throughout Indonesia, how the role of pentahelix (academics, businessmen, communities, communities and media) in the development of BUMDes.
This webinar was attended by several speakers, including the Honorary Council of PWI Jakarta, Budhiana Kartawijaya, Chief Financial Officer of Bizhare, Professor of SBM ITB Prof. Wawan Dwanto, Ph.D., To the Village DPM of West Java Province, and the Head of BUMDes Cakrabuana, Guranteng Village, Ijang Hilman Mubarok, A.Md.
In the first session, Firman Nurtafiyana as the Head of Community Economic Empowerment of DPM Villages in West Java Province, representing the Command element conveyed the achievements of West Java Province in the development of BUMDes. It was also stated that the village economic recovery strategy in West Java was carried out by optimizing digital technology and developing the creative economy.
In the second session, representatives of the business elements, Gatot Adhi Wibowo Founder and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of BIZHARE, one of the first crowdfunding fintechs in Indonesia that have conventional and sharia investment schemes. In this case, it is explained that BUMDes can get capital by issuing shares or through sukuk for sharia schemes. BIZHARE also has an incubator that helps business partners to increase their business capacity.
In the third session, representatives of the media elements, Budhiana Kartawijaya from the Honorary Council of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) West Java conveyed how Storynomics initiated by Robert Mckee can be used to raise the unique products of BUMDes into a product that is viral on social media and can converted into economic benefits for the Village.
In the fourth session, representing the components of the BUMDes community, Ijang Hilman Mubarok, conveyed the potential for developing BUMDes in Guranteng Village including dairy farming, animal feed and tourism objects around the village that could be developed.
In the last session, representing the academic component, Wawan Dewanto, an ITB Professor in the field of entrepreneurship, conveyed the entrepreneurial ecosystem so that the BUMDes business can develop and be sustainable.
Through the webinar, the participants gained sufficient understanding to optimize pentahelix, namely a synergy with five components including academics, business people, communities, communities, and media, in developing BUMDes in their respective villages. This event went smoothly and there was a question and answer dialogue between participants and speakers. The three best questioners in this webinar get benefits in the form of discount vouchers for consulting sessions at a financial consulting company.
One of the speakers, R. Firman Nurtafiyana, SPT., M.E. representing DR. Ir. H. Dicky Saromi, M. Sc. as the Head of West Java Province Village DPM said, this webinar activity was very well held consistently considering the very fitting capacity of LPPM and PPD ITB. Seeing the enthusiasm of the participants, he also suggested that ITB could open a post-webinar communication and business forum directly between all elements of the organizers, participants and presenters.
In addition, one of the participants who was interviewed by the ITB Public Relations reporter, Yati, from Cikalong Village, Tasikmalaya Regency, said that by participating in this webinar, he gained a lot of knowledge and inspiration. He hopes that this webinar can motivate BUMDes administrators to continue to be enthusiastic in developing their business, especially for the management of BUMDes Mutiara Selatan, Cikalong Village, Tasikmalaya Regency.
In addition to the webinar, the P2D-ITB community service team chaired by Oktofa Yudha Sudradjat, Ph.D. has carried out a series of activities in collaboration with BUMDes Cakrabuana, Guranteng Village, Tasikmalaya Regency. These activities include: an initial survey of the potential and condition of Guranteng Village and the movement of its BUMDes, primary data collection in the form of market analysis, then a business planning workshop for BUMDes which was completed on August 21, 2021.
Editor: Ali Hasan Asyari