ITB Faculty Team Conducts Financial Management Training in Srinanti Village

A team of lecturers from the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), West Java, conducted financial management training for Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Srinanti Village, Sei Menggaris Subdistrict, Nunukan Regency. This activity is part of the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.

Dr. Ridwan Fauzi explained that the presence of the LPPM ITB team in Srinanti Village is a form of community service aimed at helping to develop Indonesia's border regions. "The presence of the LPPM ITB team in Indonesia's border area, Srinanti Village, is part of the lecturers' service to the community to develop the region," he told Niaga.Asia on Thursday (13/06/2024).

Srinanti Village, located in the northern interior of North Kalimantan, can only be reached by a two-hour speedboat journey from Nunukan. The LPPM ITB team, consisting of Dr. Agus Syihabudin, M.A., Dr. Asep Darmansyah, Dr. Ridwan Fauzi, S.Pd., M.H., and M. Taufik, M.Ag., had to navigate through palm oil plantations and a river known for its large crocodile population.

"The journey to Srinanti Village is quite long with impressive natural challenges," added Dr. Ridwan.

While in Srinanti Village, the ITB lecturers provided financial management training to about 50 participants, including members of Bumdes, MSME operators, and various stakeholders such as the subdistrict head, village head, police representatives, border security task force (TNI Satgas Pamtas), and representatives from PT Duta Tambang Rekayasa. The training theme was "Training and Digitalization of Financial Management Reports for Srinanti Bumdes."

The head of the LPPM ITB team, Dr. Agus Syihabudin, M.A., hopes that through this training and digitalization of financial management reports, Srinanti Bumdes will improve their financial management capabilities. "We hope that Srinanti Village's Bumdes and its business units can manage their finances based on accounting principles and have tidy financial administration towards financial digitalization," he stated.

Srinanti Village Head, Rusmini Hakim, welcomed the ITB lecturers and hoped the training would bring positive changes to Bumdes and MSME operators in the village. "Srinanti Bumdes has two business units, namely the fertilizer distribution sector and the village water company (Pamdes). We are pleased with the arrival of the lecturers from LPPM ITB. Hopefully, the training provided can help Bumdes and MSME operators develop their financial management skills," she said.

This training is expected to improve the economic welfare of the Srinanti Village community through better and more professional financial management.

Related News:

NIAGA ASIA: LPPM ITB Gelar Pelatihan Manajemen Keuangan Bumdes dan UMKM di Desa Srinanti

