Officially Launched, Japanese Village BUMDes Ready to Expand Digitalization Market

BANDUNG, 20, 2021, the Japanese Village Government, Mejebo District, Kudus Regency, inaugurated the Village Owned Enterprise and Economic Digitization by launching a digital marketing application. This platform was created with the ITB community service team initiated by Arif Susanto, M.T.

The establishment of BUMDes is thanks to the collaboration between the Japanese Village Government and the Institute for Community Service and Development (LPPM) Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) through the 2021 Economic Recovery Community Service program.

The head of the Japanese village, Indarto, said that about four months before it was launched, his party held a village meeting first, until a village regulation was born and the determination of village personnel. "We received assistance from ITB's LPPM (Institute for Research and Community Service) in drafting regulations, management, and launching the digital marketing application for this BUMDes," he said, quoted from

Indarto added that BUMDes manages the UPK BKM savings and loan business which has assets of up to IDR 2 billion, provides clean water through Pamsimas, waste management, to asset management for managing BUMDes collaboration with asset owners.

In addition, he said, all business units managed by BUMDes will later use digitalization. He gave an example in the savings and loan unit, customers will be reminded of their rights and obligations through the application that is currently being developed.

"Including tourism potential and other MSMEs, we have displayed it on the BUMDes website so that it can reach a wider market," he said.

The head of the Community Service Team, Arif Susanto, said that his party had helped improve BUMDes human resources, especially digital competence, from May 2021. He reasoned because his party saw that Japanese villages had great potential, such as the wealth of potential for both tourism and the creative economy.

“Incidentally, there are ITB alumni who come from Kudus who understand the world of digital marketing. He is currently making a bazaarfun application for digital marketing. Later, products from BUMDes in Japanese Villages will be linked there," he said.

Later, the Japanese Village MSME products on the website will be integrated into the fun bazaar application.

The LPPM's companion for one year hopes that this activity will continue in the long term, "In the future it won't just stop here, it will continue to be independent," said Arif.

The Head of the Village Community Empowerment Service (Pemdes) Adi Sadhono appreciated the steps to digitizing BUMDes that had been carried out by the Japanese Village. Currently, the Kudus Regency Government together with the Djarum Foundation are also holding training to increase human resources for BUMDes managers.

“The BUMDes development concepts that have already developed can certainly be imitated by other villages. Most BUMDes after being formed actually stagnate because their business is not clear. That's why we, together with the Djarum Foundation, are trying to improve BUMDes human resources through training that will be held for the next six months," he said.

Editor: Ali Hasan Asyari

Source: Dilaunching, BUMDes Desa Jepang Siap Pasarkan Produk Lokal - Jala Pantura


