#repost from Program Pengabdian Masyarakat ITB Membangun Negri 2021, Di Desa Kote Kecamatan Singkep Pesisir (monitorriau.com)
The Bandung Institute of Technology Community Service Program was held at the Sri Mahkota art studio, Kote village. This event is included in the ITB Program to build the Country which is carried out with the aim of developing leading regions in Indonesia.
In this event there were two topics of Community Service held in Kote Village, by the Community Service Team of the ITB Oceanography Study Program consisting of "Crab Apartments, Vertical Crab Cultivation Technology" and "Desalination and Water Purification Technology, Clean Water Supply Program for Small Islands" . The event starts at 8'30 WIB until it is finished and remains at the Prokes standard, Tuesday (5/10/2021).
The event was attended by the coastal Singkep Sub-district, the East Penuba Sub-district represented, the Lingga Regency Marine and Fisheries Service, Lingga Police Chief, TNI from the Marine Corps, Kote Village religious leaders, Kote Village youth chairman, Kadus, Kote Village BPD. Head of the village in the coastal district.
In the event, the ITB Oceanography Community Service team consisting of the Chair: Dr. Susanna, Member: Ivonne M. Radjawane, PhD. , Faizal Ade R Abdullah, M.Sc., and Students: Salbi Faza R, Arum Sekar M, M Firman Nuruddin, M Zhafara, and Rheno Armand W.
Not only making tools for processing salt water into fresh water and water purifiers as well as tools for crab cultivation, but also holding workshops to explain how to make, use, and benefit the tools to residents and village officials.
The tools made by this team have advantages because they are made from simple materials, are relatively inexpensive, and are easy to find in the area, making it easier for the community to develop these tools in the future.
The Lingga Marine and Fisheries Service and village officials from various sub-districts gave a positive response to this community service program. In the future, they hope that ITB can continue this community service program so that it can provide more benefits in developing leading regions.
The relevant offices also welcome the effective ideas and innovations made in this community service and in the future plan to propose them in the Musrenbang program and various other government programs, so that their application can be expanded in the regions.
It is hoped that by holding this community service program, it can provide knowledge and experience to the community regarding the manufacture of appropriate technology that can be applied for efficient crab cultivation and can help solve the problem of the clean water crisis.(KS)