Community Service Program in Remote, Frontier, and Outermost Regions (3T) Implements Village Internet in Brukol Village, Mangoli Tengah, Sula Islands

The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) ITB, in collaboration with the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (PDTT), has initiated a Community Service Program in Remote, Frontier, and Outermost Regions (3T).

The Head of Brukol Village, Mangoli Tengah, Sula Islands (Kepsul), Jufri Sapsuha, stated that one of the selected villages for this program is Baru Akol Village in Mangoli Tengah.

He explained that through the Desanesha application developed by LPPM ITB to connect villages with experts at ITB.

Jufri admitted that local residents have always complained about the internet network. The internet access is slow and inadequate to meet the village's needs.

Furthermore, LPPM ITB assigned a team from the Telecommunication Engineering Group at the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI) led by Ahmad Izzanuddin to investigate the problem and find solutions to address it.

Ahmad Izzanuddin mentioned that they have established communication with the Head of Brukol Village, Jufri Sapsuha, through the Desanesha application to gather information and assess the current situation in Brukol. Subsequently, a survey was conducted in July 2023, followed by a visit to Baru Akol Village.

