The Desanesha Program, a collaboration between the Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration of Indonesia (Kemendes) and the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), has successfully been implemented in North Oenenu Village, North Bikomi District, TTU Regency, NTT Province. This program successfully built a network and supplied clean water to communities scattered across neighborhood units (RTs) directly bordering Oecusse, the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (RDTL).
This initiative began with the ITB-LPPM Community Service Program, facilitated by the Desanesha-ITB Web Application. Through this application, village heads communicate with experts at ITB, and village needs requests are responded to by relevant specialists.
North Oenenu Village, partially hilly and situated at an elevation of 430 meters above sea level, has several distant neighborhood units. Residents typically obtain water from limited wells, walking long distances, or filling their water tanks by purchasing water, especially during the dry season.
The ITB team, led by Dr. Agus Laesanpura, conducted research in North Oenenu Village from July to August last year. Their study involved two phases: first, delivering water hygienically to local residents through a piped network, and secondly, if funds and proper planning are available, conducting additional drilling outside this area.
The research was carried out extensively using geological and hydrological methods in Oenenu Village and neighboring villages, followed by intensive studies at several points using Geophysical Geoelectric methods around North Oenenu Village.
According to ITB experts, the area is unique, with several potential points located far outside the residential area.
"The water potential here is indicated to be deep, so obtaining it requires piping and pumping from deep wells. Since the electrical network for pumps in this potential area is still out of reach, groundwater drilling verification will be reviewed and evaluated once sufficient funds are available," Agus explained.
He added that for the first phase, to benefit the North Oenenu community, the program revitalized wells, installed pumps, electric networks, water tanks, water tap monuments, and piping that reaches three neighborhood units.