PPSDA ITB Conducts Flooducation Activities for River Communities in Majalaya District, Bandung Regency, West Java Province

BANDUNG, lppm.itb.ac.id-In the framework of the ITB Bottom-Up Community Service Program (PPM) 2021, the PPM team of the ITB Water Resources Development Center (PPSDA) on 20 October 2021 carried out Flooducation activities for river communities in Majalaya District, Bandung Regency, West Java Province, namely Jaga Balai which focuses on education and disaster preparedness, especially floods and Garda Caah which focuses on emergency response.

The PPMDA PPSDA ITB team consists of the Head of PPSDA ITB, Dr.Eng. Arno Adi Kuntoro, with the PPM Implementation Team chaired by Dr.Eng. Mohammad Farid consists of Faizal Immaddudin Wira Rohmat, Ph.D. as well as several assistants. The activity was attended by Ir. Denni Hamdani as one of the coaches in the Jaga Balai community, Wewen Mulyadi as the Head of Garda Caah, and Riki Waskito as the Coordinator of the Weather Monitoring and Information Dissemination Team for Jaga Balai – Garda Caah as well as several members from both communities.

According to the Head of the PPM Implementation Team, Dr.Eng. Mohammad Farid, Bandung Regency is an area prone to flooding, one of which is in Majalaya District. This was also agreed by the Head of PPSDA ITB, Dr.Eng. Arno Adi Kuntoro. In this activity, PPSDA seeks to contribute by examining aspects of resource utilization and reducing flood risk in Majalaya District through community service activities, Flooducation. "The word Flooducation is a combination of flood which means flood with education which means education so that Flooducation activities are defined as public education activities for flood disaster mitigation which aim to improve understanding and assessment of flood risk in the community." said Dr. Eng. Mohammad Farid at Bale Rancage Guarding the Hall.

The PPM Flooducation activity was carried out in two parts, namely a discussion of flood risk management counseling/education, especially related to flood risk mapping and improvement of the flood disaster monitoring system in Majalaya District. Representative of Jaga Balai and Garda Caah, Riki Waskito, gave a speech as well as opened the event which was followed by the presentation of material by Dr.Eng. Mohammad Farid to members of Jaga Balai and Garda Caah. After that, discussions were held and shared experiences from Jaga Balai and Garda Caah in building disaster mitigation efforts in the Upper Citarum Watershed. The head of the Caah Guard, Wewen Mulyadi, expressed his hope that the Majalaya District could have a flood risk map that is easy to understand and simulate for the local community. Then the Supervisor of the Balai Guard, Ir. Denni Hamdani, added that student activities in the PPSDA ITB environment can be encouraged to be directly involved with the community in reducing flood risk in Majalaya District. On that occasion, a member of the PPM Implementation Team, Faizal Immaddudin Wira Rohmat, Ph.D., suggested potential points that could support the flood disaster monitoring system in Majalaya District.

The series of PPM activities continued with a field survey of the existing Citarum River monitoring system on the Majalaya Bridge which needed to replace the peilschaal/staff gauge or water level measuring rod. In addition, a field review was also carried out on a visual weather monitoring site in Majalaya District, namely the roof of Kang Mimid Husband's house from the Weather Monitoring team as well as a monitoring post to determine the position of the monitoring system installation in the form of CCTV cameras by the PPM Implementation Team. The event closed symbolically with the handing over of new peilschaal to the representatives of Jaga Balai and Garda Caah, which would be followed up with installation on site by the PPM Implementation Team. The next plan from Flooducation in Majalaya District is risk mapping training to community nodes and adding flood monitoring points in order to increase community preparedness in facing the standby period in the rainy season which has the potential to cause flooding.

