NJOP PBB P2 adjustments in Lebak will use the SALAD model

The Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) of Lebak Regency has established a collaboration with the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) for data updates aimed at increasing tax revenue.

One of the products presented is the Spatially Adaptive Land Value Determination (SALAD) model for adjusting the Tax Object Sales Value (NJOP) of PBB P2 in Lebak Regency.

Andri Hernandi, a researcher from the Spatial System and Cadastre Expertise Group at the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, ITB, stated that the SALAD model will be implemented in three villages in Lebak Regency for NJOP adjustments.

"The approach used involves an empowerment model through education and training in the application of the SALAD model via workshops and FGDs," Andri explained in his statement.

The three villages are Cipeundeuy Village in Malingping Subdistrict, Ciburuy Village in Curugbitung Subdistrict, and Banjarsari Village in Cileles Subdistrict.

Doddy Irawan, Head of Bapenda Lebak, said that the advice and input provided by ITB will be one of the considerations for the local government in policy implementation. Especially since this has a positive impact on increasing tax revenue.

"Good inputs like the SALAD model for NJOP adjustments can be applied. The goal is to increase our tax revenue," said Doddy.

For one day, Doddy continued, his team gained several insights during the exposure organized by ITB to follow up on the collaboration.

"Yesterday, we had a joint exposure and discussed many aspects for increasing tax revenue in Lebak Regency," he concluded.


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dailyhits.id Penyesuaian NJOP PBB P2 di Lebak Bakal Pakai Model SALAD

