Development of Big Data-Based Platform Models for West Java MSME Business Resilience During Pandemic

Big Data-Based Platform Model Development for West Java MSME Business Resilience During Pandemi & Nbsp;

Tags: & nbsp; ITB sdgs , & nbsp; Decent Work and Economy Growth , Economic Growth , Economic Productivity

Wednesday, June 16 2021, the Devotional Team to the ITB community chaired by Ms. Santi Novani, PhD Covid-19 pandemics. The program carried out online was attended by Ms. Dr. Sribagjawati Suparman, S.Si, MT (Head of Subdistrict of Economic Affairs and Natural Resources III, the West Java Provincial Development Planning Agency), Mr. Dr. Tatang Suryana, S.Si., M.Sc. (Head of Small Business Division, Cooperative and Small Business Office), & nbsp; Mr. Dr.Daniar Ahmad Nurdianto, SE, M.Si & Nbsp; (Widyaiswara Middle Expert at the Cooperative and Small Business Office West Java Province), Mr. Agung Pascasuseno, MSM (Deputy Director of the West Java Creation Community) and Mr. Hendra Ciho (Founder of PT Cihogrup Stars Indonesia).

The event opened with a speech from the Chairperson of the SBM Pengmas, Santi Novani and the exposure of the platform in the form of applications made by the Pengmet team.

Big data-based platform developed by the team is expected to provide some benefits both for MSMEs and governments such as Profiling MSMEs, information on events organized by SBM and ITB related to the development of MSMEs, and Coaching clinics and mentors of SBM and ITB.

Currently the West Java Provincial Government does not yet have a complete profiling of MSMEs because it is still scattered and separated by the data. In addition, this platform is also developed to be able to process Big data related products such as analyzing the products that are in demand by the market to market trend projections.

Each representative from government and MSMEs gave a response to this platform, Ms. Sribagjawati hopes that this platform can identify the needs of MSMEs both in terms of finance and skills, thus this can help for the acceleration of the Provincial Government program for the economic field in 2023. < / P>

Mr. Tatang Suryana hopes this platform can help coaching between service with MSMEs. Data security needs to be a concern so that the MSME players want to be joined in this platform and the digital capabilities of MSMEs need to be considered the platform can continue to run, this is conveyed by Mr. Daniar.

As a business actor, Mr. Hendra felt he would be helped by this platform, because with the occurrence of a pandemic of business actors must be prepared to adapt to existing changes. Input from the FGD participants will be a material for completing the platform that will be socialized again at the seminar by inviting all MSMEs and the provincial government. So when it was launched, this platform is expected to have unique selling point in the eyes of business actors.

